autoBPMMatchAutomatically change the pitch to match the BPM of the other deck when a new song is loaded ("smart" means only when the song's bpm is within 10% of the other deck's song) autoPitchLockAutomatically engages pitch_lock whenever BPMs are matched, so that moving manually one pitch slider will move the other in order to keep the match autoGainAutomatically set the gain to make the song's overall volume 0dbA when a song is loaded (or remember any previous manual modification of the gain) autoKeyAutomatically change the key when a song is loaded to match the key of the song on the other deck when the key difference is up to 1 semitone autoCueAutomatically goes to the first cue or first beat when a song is loaded smartPlayAutomatically start playing from the nearest position that would get the song beatmatched smartPlayLimitPitchRangeWhen on, smartPlay will only match bpm if it is within 10% of the current bpm, preventing too big speed differences smartCueAutomatically adjust the jump position to keep the song beatmatched smartLoopAutomatically adjust the loop points when setting a loop so that the loop is seamless quantizeLoopAutomatically adjust the loop position to the quantized position quantizeSetCueAutomatically adjust setting cue position to the quantized position quantizeScratchKeep the song synchronized by quantizing after releasing the jog wheel globalQuantizeSelect 1 to make quantized functions jump to beat boundaries, 4 to jump to measures boundaries, or 0.25 to jump on quarters boundaries. smartScratchAutomatically mute the volume when scratching backward cueLoopAutoSyncWhen on, cue_loop will be quantized to the beat resetPitchOnLoadAutomatically reset the pitch to +0% when you load a new song resetEqOnLoadAutomatically reset all the equalizers and filter to 0 when you load a new song resetStemsOnLoadAutomatically reset the stems when you load a new song resetFXOnLoadAutomatically stop all the effects when you load a new song resetKeyOnLoadReset key to normal when you load a new song. resetGainOnLoadReset gain and apply autoGain when enabled when you load a new song. This option has no effect when a controller that applies gain in hardware is used autoHeadphonesAutomatically switch the headphones and selected deck to the song that has just been loaded or touched pflOnSelectAutomatically switch the PFL when a deck is selected keyMatchingStandard allows automatic key matching to change the key by one semi-tone, in order to harmonically match to the other song. Fuzzy will also allow changes from major to minor key, and fuzzy full will allow changing the track up to 2 semi-tones to harmonically match the other track
playModeSelect if the play and stop buttons act as play-stutter and pause-stop, or play-pause and stop cueModeSelect if the cue button act as cue, cue-hold (will keep playing if cue is pressed more than 2s), or cue-cup (play on release, stop and rewind on push) hotcueModeSelect if hotcue buttons play or stutter updateHotCueOnCueComboWhen a hot cue is pressed while holding the deck's CUE button, it will update the cue to the current cue position instead of jumping to the cue hotcueSavesLoopWhen a hot cue is saved while a loop is active, the loop will be saved with the hot cue loopBackModeSelect, when a loop is set by number of beats ('loop 4'), if the loop starts from the current position (no) or ends at the current position (yes). Smart means set start when paused or set end when playing. loopAutoMoveSelect if the loop is kept and moved to the new position when a cue is called during a loop loopDefaultDefault number of beats used in loops loopRollDefaultDefault number of beats used in loopRolls beatjumpNumber of beats the beatjump script will jump keepPlayingPastEndWhen on, the song keeps playing after the end and you have to press cue manually to stop the song keepPlayStatusOnLoadSongWhen on, a new song loaded to the deck will start playing automatically if the previous song in the deck was playing eqModeSelect which algorithm the EQ knobs control eqModeDualUse extra decks on 4-deck mixers to control both frequency and modern EQs at the same time stemsBleedMuteVocalControl how much the "fast" stems separation algorithm will allow bleeding when muting vocals. 0% means strict separation (remove more vocal, but might remove other frequencies), 100% means less strict (might remove less vocal, but keep the original song more intact). stemsBleedMuteInstruControl how much the "fast" stems separation algorithm will allow bleeding when muting instruments. 0% means strict separation (remove more instrument, but might remove other frequencies), 100% means less strict (might remove less instrument, but keep the original song more intact). stemsBleedOnlyVocalControl how much the "fast" stems separation algorithm will allow bleeding when isolating vocals. 0% means strict separation (isolate better, but might remove some vocal frequencies too), 100% means less strict (might isolate less, but keep the vocal more intact). stemsBleedOnlyInstruControl how much the "fast" stems separation algorithm will allow bleeding when isolating instruments. 0% means strict separation (isolate better, but might remove some instrument frequencies too), 100% means less strict (might isolate less, but keep the instrument more intact). stemsSplitLeftRightWhen enabled, stems_split will split from deck 1->2 and 3->4. When false, split from deck 1->3 and deck 2->4 vinylModeIn Vinyl mode, touching the disc on the skin or the jogwheel on a controller stop the song and scratch. In CD mode, it speed up or slow down a little the song. masterTempoMake the pitch slider changes the speed of the song, but not its key pitchRangeSet how far the pitch slider can move autoPitchRangeAutomatically adjust the range of the pitch when pitch-matching requires a broader range pitchResetSpeedHow fast pitch reset moves the pitch (in percent per second, default 1 percent per second) faderStartAutomatically starts to play when the volume fader is moved up faderStartStopAutomatically stops to play when the volume fader is moved down to zero (requires faderStart to be enabled as well) crossfaderCurveDefines how the crossfader behaves crossfaderDisableDisable the crossfader crossfaderCustomSave a custom configuration for the crossfader crossfaderHamsterInvert the crossfader (so that putting the crossfader to the left-most position makes the right deck audible and the left deck silenced) levelfaderHamsterInvert the fader (so that it is fully on when down and fully off when up) effectsremember the plugins loaded on the deck slots masterEffectsremember the plugins loaded on the master effect slots mixFxThe last selected mix effect when using the crossfader pluginBanks padsPagesOrder padsPagesHiddenList of pages hidden from the page selection drop-down sixteenPadsModeWhen on auto, 16-pads mode is enabled only when a controller with 16 pads is connected. padsPagesChangedPads Pages modified from the controller defaults padsSkinIndependentSet to true to keep the pads on the skin independent from the controllers loopPadPageLoop pad page currently selected on each deck autoSortCuesAutomatically sort cue points chronologically autoBpmTransitionLengthLength of transition done by auto_bpm_transition in beats
skinWaveformTypeSet waveform type in skins that support it coloredWaveformsSelect which color scheme is used on the waveforms to identify the beat, vocal and instrumental areas skinWaveformTypeSet waveform type in skins that support it skinOverviewTypeSet the waveform type for the overview display in decks ('auto' follows the main waveform type) skinWaveformScratchTypeSet the waveform type for vertical scratch waves coloredWaveformsSelect which color scheme is used on the waveforms to identify the beat, vocal and instrumental areas waveUseFrequencyUse frequencies instead of stems to calculate the colors in the colors waveform waveGrayOnKillShow in gray the stems that are removed on the shape waveform waveformCenter skinPlayheadShadowSet whether songpos waveform shows the shadow on the playhead marker showGridLinesShow grid lines on the scratch and rhythm waves beatCounterRangeSet over how many beats the beat counter on the skin is counting (default: 16) rhythmZoomZoom level of the horizontal rhythm and scratch display scratchZoomVerticalZoom level of the vertical scratch display touchScreenModeforce a set of options usually used with touchscreens (gridview in the browser, maximized window, bigger handles on splitviews) multiTouchTwoFingerScrollEnable scrolling with two fingers on touch-screens onScreenKeyboardShow an on-screen keyboard when you need to edit something keyboardShowKeymapOverlayWhile holding CTRL or ALT, show keyboard mapping overlay in browser area on supported mappers keyboardKeymapOverlayOnStickyKeysWhile sticky keys is on (double-press ALT, or key assigned to keyboard_shortcuts) the keyboard mapping overlay will stay visible skinEmptyButtonsShow or hide some extra empty customizable buttons on the default skins customButtonsActions saved for the various custom buttons and custom knobs skin3FxLayoutSwitch between "1 FX with 3 knobs" and "3 FX with 1 knob each" layouts skin6FxLayoutSwitch to "6 FX with 1 knob" layout vuMeter clockDisplay dateFormatSelect how dates are shown in the browser cueDisplaySelect what is shown on hotcue buttons savedLoopDisplaySelect what is shown on the saved loop buttons displayTimeSelect the way song time is displayed (elapsed, remain, total) keyDisplayShow keys on deck and browser either in Musical format (C, C#, D, etc...) or Harmonic (01A, 02A, 01B, ...) cpuMeterShow in the CPU meter how fast the whole system is running, or how fast the audio subsystem is running. hideSongInfoHide the song's title and artist from the skin, if you don't want people behind you to be able to see which tracks you are playing tooltipShow or hide the tooltips tooltipDelayDelay during which the mouse must stop before the tooltip is shown showCoverForDragDropshow the cover of the files being dragged during drag-and-drop operations RPMRotation speed of the domes on the skin (default: 33) dialogsColorThemeForce the dialogs and menus to use a light-color or dark-color theme cleartypeUse ClearType to show sharper text on laptops maximizedSelect if the skin is maximized to use the full desktop (1), use the full desktop including the taskbar (2), or windowed (0) skinName of the current skin file skinWindows skinPanelsSkin panel visibility skinTextzonesSkin text zones skinSplitStateSkin split state skinRacksSkin rack state
audioAutoDetectKeep checking for new devices to detect when a known soundcard is plugged in exclusiveAudioAccessWhen set to yes, VirtualDJ will take exclusive control of your soundcard, meaning that all other applications running in the background will stop to make any sound while VirtualDJ is active splitHeadphonesIf set to true, the headphones will have the master in the left ear and the PFL in the right ear equalizerInHeadphonesSet to yes (default) if you want to hear the equalizer on the PFL, or no if you want to hear the original song headphonesGainSet the gain applied to the headphones output prelistenOutputSelects which deck is used to output the prelisten sound (from the editors or the info panel preview). 0 means automatically select the deck that is not currently on air boothMicrophoneThe microphone input is also heard on the booth audio output microphoneToMasterThe microphone input is heard on the master audio output (when false, microphone will be included in recording, but not heard on master output) metronomeVolumeSet the volume used by the metronome ticks in the BPM Editor gainSliderIncludesAutoGainwhen set to yes, the gain knob on the skin shows at 100% when the gain is equal to the automatic value. When set to no, 100% on the knobs means no gain applied. faderCurveSet the curve for the volume sliders (0=linear, 0.5=quadratic, 1=logarithmic) zeroDBAdd additional headroom to prevent distortion when mixing several tracks together by lowering the volume rampStartTimeSimulate how a real turntable needs time to reach its full speed when started rampStopTimeSimulate how a real turntable brakes to reach full stop when stopped rampScratchTimeSimulate how a real turntable needs time to react when the disc is touched equalizerFrequencySpreadDefines the spread of the equalizer bands. "Default" has each band narrow around their frequency, while "Full Kill" has each band extending to share its border with the next band (meaning if you kill all 3 bands in "Full Kill" mode, you'll get silence, while if you kill all 3 bands in "Default" mode, you'll get everything except the bass, medium and high bands) equalizerLowFrequencySet the central frequency used by the Low equalizer equalizerMidFrequencySet the central frequency used by the Mid equalizer equalizerHighFrequencySet the central frequency used by the High equalizer filterDefaultResonanceSet the amount of resonance applied by the filter fxProcessingSelect if effects are processed before or after level fader and crossfader (pre-fader or post-fader)
useVideoSkinEnable or disable video skins videoSkinName of the current video skin showVideoSkinOnPreviewShow the video skin on the video preview on the main skin videoLogoShow a logo on the bottom-right corner of the video output (you need a VirtualDJ PRO license to be able to remove or change the logo) videoLogoImageSelect which image is used for the video logo (you need a VirtualDJ PRO license to be able to remove or change the logo) videoLogoSizeSelect the size of the video logo (you need a VirtualDJ PRO license to be able to remove or change the logo) videoLogoPositionSelect the position of the video logo (you need a VirtualDJ PRO or Controller license, or a Karaoke subscription to be able to change the logo position) videoCrossfaderDefine the behavior of the video crossfader (Separate to control both audio and video separately, Linked to control both together, Smart to let VirtualDJ moves the video crossfader automatically to follow what the audience is hearing) videoVolumeLinkMoving the volume sliders automatically moves the video levels too videoTransitionSelect which video transition plugin is used to fade between two video sources when the video crossfader is moving videoRandomTransitionAutomatically select a new video transition plugin randomly for each transition videoFxSelect which video fx plugin is currently loaded videoAudioOnlyVisualisationSelect which visualization plugin will be used when a song with no video track is played and the video output is opened letterBoxingSelect how to handle the difference in aspect ratio between your video files and your video output window videoFPSSet the number of Frame Per Seconds used by the video engine videoMicroFramesEnhance the quality of the video at lower speed, by adding "MicroFrames" between the regular frames. When set to "smart", MicroFrames are used only when scratching or playing at low speed. videoResampleQualityQuality of the video when rescaling. High can look better, but may require a faster video card. videoShaderQualityForce visualization shaders to a lower quality, if your videocard is not powerful enough to keep up with the desired framerate videoUseDXVAIf set to true, the video engine will use Hardware Acceleration (DXVA) from your videocard, if available videoDriverShow which video driver is being used by your computer videoMaxMemoryEnforce a hard limit on the amount of video memory from the video card VirtualDJ can consume videoForceFullscreenforce the video output to use fullscreen mode (can help if you have a dual-videocard system). 0 for default, -1 for alternative video mode videoDelaySet a delay (positive or negative) between the video output and the audio output (in milliseconds) videoWindowAlwaysOnTopKeeps the video window always above all other windows videoWindowPositionVideo Window Positions videoCreateLinkOnDropDropping a video on the video preview area or cover art of an audio file will automatically create a video edit of the audio file startVideoOnLoadAutomatically open the video output window when you load a video track
karaokeBackground karaokeBackgroundMusicSelect which folder is used to play background music between karaoke song, when the karaoke mode is active. (can also be "automix" (default) or "sidelist", to respectively use the automix playlist or the sidelist playlist from the sideView) karaokeBackgroundImageSelect which image will be displayed when the background music is playing and karaokeBackground is set to image (between karaoke songs) karaokeBackgroundVolumeSet the volume at which the background music is played, between karaoke songs karaokeVideoSkinSelect video skin to be used while karaoke is active karaokeSkipSilenceAutomatically skip silence at end of karaoke song when playing background music in karaoke mode karaokeAutoRemovePlayedRemove played tracks automatically when in karaoke mode karaokeDualDeckWhen enabled, play karaoke on one deck and background music on another deck. Otherwise karaoke and background music play on the same deck
mixerOrderFor 4-deck controllers, defines the order of the decks from left to right controllerTakeoverModeDefines how sliders and knob are behaving when the value on the controller doesn't match the value on the skin: "Instant" means as soon as you touch the slider on the controller, VirtualDJ will use the controller's position. "Pickup" means that the controller's slider has no effect until it reaches the current skin's position, at which point both positions become linked again. "Gradual" means that when you move the controller's slider, it will moves the skin's slider in the same direction to gradually match both positions controllerTakeoverModePitchDefines how the pitch slider on the controller is behaving when it doesn't match the software pitch value: "Instant" means as soon as you touch the slider on the controller, VirtualDJ will use the controller's position. "Pickup" means that the controller's slider has no effect until it reaches the current pitch, at which point both pitch become linked again. "Gradual" means that when you move the controller's slider, it will moves the software's pitch in the same direction to gradually match both positions, "Relative" means that when you move the controller's slider, it will move the software's pitch in the same direction and same amount. touchWheelBackspinMoving a touchweel backward with the touch part pressed, and releasing it while the wheel is still spinning backward, will continue like if the wheel was still "touched" until the wheel stops moving, to produce a "backspin" effect touchWheelForwardspinMoving a touchweel forward with the touch part pressed, and releasing it while the wheel is still spinning forward, will continue like if the wheel was still "touched" until the wheel stops moving, to produce a "forward-spin" effect touchWheelSpinThresholdMinimum speed jogwheel needs to have on release before backspin or forwardspin will be triggered jogSensitivityScratchSet the sensitivity of the controllers jogwheels when scratching jogSensitivityCueSet the sensitivity of the controllers jogwheels when cueing jogSensitivityBendSet the sensitivity of the controllers jogwheels when pitch-bending jogVibrationProtectionIf the track is moving on it's own while paused, increase this value to prevent it (Leave on 0 unless there are issues) motorWheelInstantPlayOn controllers with motorized jogwheel, when you press play, the song will play instantly at its normal speed, even if the motor takes some time to reach its nominal speed motorWheelInstantStopOn controllers with motorized jogwheel, when you press pause, the song will stop, even if the motor takes some time to slow down motorWheelSmoothPercentHelps smoothing the motorized jogwheel speed against fluctuations due to the OS delays in receiving the MIDI or HID messages motorWheelLockTimeSet the number of seconds that VirtualDJ stops to interpret the motorized jogwheel movements after a play or stop action is done (to prevent the wobbling movement of the motor when it abruptly stops) controllerRefreshRateMaximum refresh rate of MIDI/HID controllers (in ms between refresh). 0 means as fast as possible, which is refresh every 10ms (100 times per seconds). controllerWaveFormZoomZoom level for certain controllers with a waveform display disableBuiltInDefinitionsSet to yes if you don't want VirtualDJ to use its built-in controller list to recognize MIDI or HID devices createMidiLogWhen on, will create a log file for your MIDI controller, that can be used by our engineers to find problems or help write native support. midiLogLevel showControllersSubDevicesShow display and main device as separate controllers on certain devices for development purposes
timecodeModeSelect what to do on needle-drop: relative=do nothing, absolute=use the offset from the beginning of the record, smart=use the distance if the jump is small, map the full length of the record to the full length of the song if the jump is bigger. timecodeTypeSelect which timecode type you are using (will be also set automatically during calibration, except for "VirtualDJ7 CD" which needs to be set manually). timecodeLeadInTimeMove the "start" of the timecode, to skip a section at the beginning of the record if it is damaged from too much use. timecodeAntiSkipPrevent the song position to change if the needle slipped to the next or previous grooves (only for vinyl in smart mode). The value is how many grooves maximum the antiSkip will absorb. timecodeNeedleDropSyncWhen needle-dropping, wait to be sure of the new position before starting to play. timecodePitchSliderIgnoreBendThe timecode pitch slider will not move during manual pitch-bend (braking or speeding up the record), but at the expense of a delayed movement of the slider if you make sudden big pitch modifications. timecodeSilenceLevel under which the timecode is considered stopped. Raise this value if you perform in a very noisy or vibration-full environment. Lower this value if you want to perform tricks that require very slow scratches. timecodeCalibrationVolumeCalculated during calibration, this value is the average volume of your input signal. timecodeCalibrationPhaseCalculated during calibration, this value checks if your input signal is stereo-inverted, and/or phase-inverted.
samplerBankName of the sample bank that is currently loaded samplerTriggerModeDefines how the sampler slots are triggered: "on/off" means the sample starts when you press once, and stop when it reaches the end of the sample or when you press again. "hold" means the sample starts when you press, and stops when you release the pad. "stutter" means the sample starts when you press, and continue until the end of the sample. If you press the pad again, it restarts the sample from the beginning. "unmute" means the sample keeps running in the background, but is audible only while the pad is pressed. samplerDefaultLoopModeSet the default sync mode that is used when a new loop is recorded. samplerForceNbColumnsForce a layout for the sample pad in the sideView samplerSpanAcrossDecksWhen set to yes, if a bank with 16 samples is loaded, deck 2 will automatically show the second half (9-16) samplerExportLosslessWhen set to yes, new samples that are recorded will be saved using a lossless algorithm (FLAC). When set to false (default), they will be slightly compressed using OGG. samplerDontSaveSourceWhen set to yes, new samples that are recorded will not save their source file filepath (if you want to distribute the sample file without exposing your folder paths) samplerRootFolderLet you change the default folder where the samples are stored samplerHideDefaultBanksLet you hide the default banks samplerHideLegacyBanksHide the old legacy banks from VirtualDJ v8 if they're still in the folder samplerOutputDeckWhere to route the output from samples in non-stemSwap banks (or triggered from sideview sampler). 0 for master/all decks, -2 for trigger deck, -1 for headphones, 1 for deck 1, 2 for deck 2, etc... samplerApplyEffectsOnDeckOutputWhen samplerOutputDeck is set to a fixed deck and this setting is turned on, deck effects, equalizer and filter are also applied to the sampler. Otherwise only volume and pfl affect sampler. samplerVideoVolumeLinkVideo samples fade to black with sample volume when on autoSideviewSwitch sideview to sampler when sampler_bank action is used to change sample bank samplerImageSizeSpecifies the size of the image on a sampler pad samplerHeadphonesSampler can be heard in headphones samplerShowEffectsShow effect toolbar in sampler sideview samplerShowWaveformShow sample waveforms in the sampler sideview samplerIndependentDeckBanksEach deck and master can have their own sample bank samplerRecordStemsPadsSelect which pads will record which stems for stemsSwap banks samplerRecordLengthWhen recording a stem slot on the pads, record for the duration specified
fileFormatsList of extensions that will be displayed in the browser rootFoldersLocationList of root folders that will be displayed in the tree view browserShortcutsQuick shortcuts to folders to display on the left toolbar browserShortcutsIconsIcons for the folder shortcuts browserShortcutsCustomIconFileIf you want to use your own icon collection, select an image with a grid of 64x64 icons browserShortcutsDefaultIconDefault icon number used when adding a new shortcut. -1 to popup the list. iTunesDatabaseFilePath to your iTunes database file seratoFolderPath to your Serato crates folder traktorFolder rekordboxFolderPath to your rekordbox library importV7DatabasesAutomatically import databases from VirtualDJ 7.x or earlier into the new VirtualDJ 8.x format if needed ignoreDrivesList of drives to ignore when looking for VirtualDJ databases readOnlySet VirtualDJ in read-only mode, the databases on the drives will not be modified searchInFolderSearch results display results from the current folder first searchInDBSearch results display all results from the database searchInOnlineCatalogsSearch results display results from online catalogs if an Internet connection is available OnlineCatalogsWhenEmptyOnly search online catalogs if no local result was found OnlineCatalogsSpecify which catalog(s) to use for online search onlineCatalogsContentPreference showMusicActivate filter to show only Audio tracks showVideoActivate filter to show only Video tracks showKaraokeActivate filter to show only Karaoke tracks searchFieldsFields used by the search engine browserColumnsColumns displayed in the various browser windows browserSortSort column used in the various browser windows browserGridColumnsColumns displayed in the various browser windows while in grid view infoviewColumnsFields displayed in the info side-panel showHorizontalSideListShow the horizontal sidelist like in older VirtualDJ versions lockFolderOrderWhen active, the order of folders is locked and can't be moved accidentally by dragging them around keepSortOrderKeep the sort order when you change folder rememberRecurseRemember if recurse was used on a folder browserSearchByFirstLetterWhen the focus is on the browser, typing on the keyboard will select the song starting with this letter, instead of using the keyboard mapper lastSelectedFolderLast selected folder (saved for the next session) coverFlowSelect how to display the cover pictures on the coverflow band lastTrackListDateLast date from the tracklisting.txt file historyDelayNumber of seconds a song needs to be playing before it's considered 'played' and added to the history, tracklisting, etc (default: 45 seconds) writeHistoryWhen disabled, don't log tracks in history and don't update play count or last play date prelistenVisibleShow the prelisten control in the info panel prelistenStopOnChangeStop the prelisten if it was playing when you switch to a new file in the browser prelistenStartPos-1=default, 0 to 1: start at that location in the song autoSearchDBAutomatically add any song that VirtualDJ encounters while browsing your folders and drives, to the search database showZipKaraokeWhen browsing the content of a folder, check for all .zip files to see if it's a karaoke file (.mp3 + .cdg) inside showM3UAsFoldersWhen opening a folder, check if it has .m3u playlist files inside, and if so show them as subfolders fontSizeFont size modifier for the browser browserPaddingPadding around lines in the browser browserBPMDigitsHow many digits after the dot should be displayed in the browser when showing a BPM savePlaylistAutomatically save the automix/sidelist/karaoke list between sessions saveUnplayedToSidelistWhen you load a song on a deck, but change your mind and don't play it and load something else, automatically put the song in the sidelist for later removePlayedFromSidelistWhen you play a song long enough to mark it as played, and the song was in the sidelist, remove it from the sidelist browserTextFitHow to display large text in the browser when it's too long to fit tracklistFormatformat used when writing the tracklist.txt file (use the same syntax as the skin engine's text elements) shellIconsDisplay the real OS icons instead of the VirtualDJ flat one, for regular folders sideviewShortcutsList of the folders that have shortcut buttons in the sideview sideViewSave the sideview view between sessions gridViewDisplay the lists of files as a grid instead of row by row triggerPadViewDisplay the sampler as a pad in the sideview instead of as a list sideViewRecoSet the mode of the sideview recommendation panel RemixesViewProvider liveFeedbackProviders logUnsuccessfulSearchesAutomatically save all unsuccessful searches into the file SearchLog.txt chartsCountryForce the charts to show results from another country than where you are currently located filterFolderSplitGenreBySlashWhen enabled, a slash is seperating genres in filter folders browserAutoZoomAutomatically zoom the browser on mouse-over browserFontSizeButtonsShow buttons on the browser toolbar to fine tune the font size, instead of the quick big/small button browserPreviousFoldersButtonShow a button on the browser toolbar to go back to previous folders browserDaysSongsAreNewNumber of days after first seen a file that it gets the new file icon browserShowSideviewInListsShow the sideview's automix, sidelist and karaoke lists in the MyLists folder disableHotplugForNewListsSet all new Lists to "disable Hotplug", which will keep the list on the main drive instead of splitting it across the various drives where the content is disableDuplicateForNewListsSet all new Lists to "no Duplicates" by default browserAutoExportM3UAutomatically save a .m3u copy in %AppData%/VirtualDJ/Playlists/ for each list in MyLists (in case you use an external utility that reads only m3u format) browserShowLegacyM3UPlaylistsShow the old .m3u playlists to keep working with them (in case you use an external utility that also modifies them) browserAutoOpenNewDriveAutomatically select a new external drive or usb key when plugged in cdjExportStemsConfigList of possible combinations of stems to export on CDJ flash drives cdjExportStemsList of stems combinations to export on CDJ flash drive when exporting a new file cdjExportCompatibilityMinimum level of compatibility for CDJ flash drive databases cdjExportShowAllDrivesShow all USB drives under the CDJ Export folder cdjExportAutoSyncCuesAutomatically keep the cue points synchronized when modified inside VirtualDJ and on a CDJ cdjExportCuesAsMemoryPointsStore cue points as memory points as well on cdj export quickFiltersList of available quick filters colorRulesList of color rules user1FieldNameDisplay name for the user-definable tags field user2FieldNameDisplay name for the user-definable tags field favoriteGenresList of genres to be offered first when editing the genre field favoriteTags1List of tags to be offered first when editing the user1 field favoriteTags2List of tags to be offered first when editing the user2 field
getTagsAutoAutomatically get infos from the file's tags when a new file is encountered setTagsAutoAutomatically write infos to the file's tags when something is modified inside VirtualDJ coverDownloadAutomatically download cover pictures when a new file without cover is encountered getTitleFromTagsGet the title and artist fields from the tag getRatingFromTagsGet the rating field from the tag getCommentFromTagsGet the comment field from the tag getCuesFromTagsGet the cues field from the tag getTagFromZipOpen zip files to see if there is a mp3 or mp4 file inside to get tags from getRemixWhenParsingFilenamesGet the remix field when filename are formated like "artist - title (remix)" or "artist - title [remix]" useKeyFromTagPrefer to use the key from the tag instead of the value calculated by VirtualDJ cleanTagsInDeckDisplaytitle, artist, featuring and remix are uniformly formatted for display in the deck's tag info display
automixModeForce the automix engine to use one particular mode fadeLengthLength (in seconds) of the transition when using "fade" automix. Negative length adds delay between songs automixRepeatThe automix playlist will repeat from the beginning when it reaches the end automixAutoRemovePlayedFiles will be removed from the automix playlist when they get played during automix, or when they get played any time automixDualDeckUse both decks and the crossfader to perform the automix, instead of doing everything on a single deck autoMixBeatMatchOnFadeWhen automix mode is set to fade and songs tempo is close to each other, they will be beatmatched automixSkipLengthNumber of beats to fade when forcing automix to skip to a different song (double-click or mix_now for example) automixMaxLengthMaximum time (in seconds) a song will play in automix before skipping to the next song automixDoubleClickWhile automix is active, select what happens when double-clicking a song automixTempoModeWhen automix mixes to the next song, it can either go back to 0% pitch, keep the pitch the same, or keep the bpm the same (when possible within a pitch of +-10%)
internetProxyURLURL of proxy to access internet internetProxyPortPort of proxy to access internet internetProxyUsernameUsername of proxy to access internet (if required) internetProxyPasswordPassword of proxy to access internet (if required) stayLoggedInSet to no if you want VirtualDJ to ask your password everytime dontLoginSet to yes if you don't want to log in (and see the log in window when you start VirtualDJ) checkUpdatesWhat to do when there is a new version of VirtualDJ available earlyAccessUpdatesGet early access to new updates and new features as soon as they are fully tested sendHistorySave your playlists on your account (some features won't be available if you disable this) sendAnonymousStatsHelp improve VirtualDJ by sending anonymous statistics about which controller you use, which skin, etc autoRefreshDRMAutomatically refresh the DRM of your online catalogs downloaded song when they're near expiration liveFeedbackShow new track recommendation based on the feedback of millions of other DJs who have played the same tracks as you just did liveFeedbackUseBpmLiveFeedback should prioritize recommendations with a similar BPM (turn it off if you play cocktails or weddings where BPM is not important) netsearchVideoQualityQuality (and size) of the video files that online video catalogs will download netsearchAudioQualityQuality (and size) of the audio files that online audio catalogs will download. Note that not all quality levels are offered by all providers cloudDriveEngineSelect the storage engine that will be used by CloudDrive cloudDriveSynchronizationSelect two-way if you are modifying the clouddrive on another computer and want the changes to be reflected on this computer cloudDriveFullAccessGet full access to browse the full content of your storage engine cloudDriveSynckeep track of the folders you synced to CloudDrive cloudDrivePauseSyncLet you pause all CloudDrive synchronization (if you need to preserve your internet bandwidth) iRemoteLook for old v7 remote application iRemoteListlist of old v7 remote clients iRemoteDefaultPortPort on which to connect with old v7 remote clients vdjRemoteDevicesList of mobile devices that will reconnect automatically if they're running VirtualDJRemote (v8 or above) vdjRemoteIPsList of manual IP addresses previously used for remote os2lSend beats and bpm to any DMX software compatible with OS2L (Open Sound To Light protocol) os2lDirectIpSet the IP and port of your DMX application to connect OS2L directly without using Bonjour or Zeroconf askTheDJMonitoringChoose if AskTheDJ keeps polling requests when the folder is not shown askTheDJFrequencyFrequency (in seconds) at which to update AskTheDJ askTheDJTwitterHashtagUse Twitter instead of to get request, looking for the specified hashtag
recordFileFile use to record the mix recordFormatFile format used to record the mix (mp3, ogg, flac, wav, webm, mp4) recordQualityAmount of compression used when saving the recording (the lower the quality the bigger the compression) recordAutoStartThe recording will automatically start as soon as you press play on a deck recordWaitForSoundOnce recording is started, the recording will wait until something is actually playing before recording recordOverwriteDecide what to do when you record a new file (and didn't manually change the output filename) recordAutoSplitA new recorded file will be created each time you move the crossfader from one side to another recordWriteCueFileA .cue file will be created alongside the recorded mp3, with the times and titles of each track you play (the .cue file can be used by many CD burning software to create tracked CDs) recordVideoResolutionresolution of recorded video recordVideoHardwareAcceleration recordMicrophoneWhen set to no the microphone is not recorded or broadcasted recordBitDepth24-bit only available for wav and flac. Warning: 24-bit files are not compatible with all media players! recordVideoFpsFrames per seconds for video recording. Note that to record at 60fps, videoFps also needs to be set to 60 recordVideoCodecVideo Codec used when recording video. Note that h265 and av1 are not available on all hardware
[boxwrap]broadcastModeBroadcast mode ("direct" if you want to stream directly from your computer, "server" if you want to stream to a radio station, "podcast" if you want to save your podcast on for later use) broadcastVideoQualityAmount of compression used when broadcasting video (the lower the quality the bigger the compression) broadcastVideoQualityCustomCustom video broadcast quality "resX x resY @ videokbps , audiokbps" broadcastServerServer address to broadcast to broadcastDirectFormatFile format used to broadcast ("ogg" is better quality but works only in Chrome, "mp3" works with any browser) broadcastDirectPortInternet port used for direct broadcast broadcastDirectQualityEncoding quality (compression) when using Direct Broadcast broadcastDirectMaxClientsMaximum number of listener who can connect to your computer at the same time in Direct Broadcast (don't put too high if you don't have a lot of bandwidth) broadcastDirectNameName of your broadcast broadcastSongInfoSet to no if you don't want your listeners to see the titles of what you are playing broadcastSongInfoFormatSet how the title is formatted that is sent to the broadcast server podcastNameName of your podcast broadcastVideoProvidervideo broadcast server broadcastVideoURLurl of the video broadcast servers [box=1-3 c List of Native Effects