Pioneer DJ - DDJ-SX3 - Layout - Pads


Hold the ROLL mode button for more than 1 second to set the PADs to Edit Grid mode. The led of the mode button will be lit in orange.

Edit Grid mode – Pioneer DDJ-SX3

Edit Grid pad page – VirtualDJ GUI

Note that this special Pads page that will be displayed on the GUI will be available only if the DDJ-SX3 is connected.

In this mode the 8 Pad performs the following operation
- Pads 2 and 3 will slowly move the Beat Grid of the track backwards/forward while pressed
- Pads 1 and 4 will fast move the Beat Grid of the track backwards/forward while pressed
- Pads 6 and 7 will slowly decrease/increase the width of the Beat Grid pattern while pressed, same as if the BPM of the track is increased/decreased
- Pads 5 and 8 will decrease/increase the width of the Beat Grid pattern while pressed, same as above, but with faster steps

Use the left PARAMETER button to set the current track's position as First Beat. Any adjustments made to the width of the Beat Grid pattern (using Pads 4 to 8) will have this position as reference (steady point)
Hold SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to half/double the BPM of the track.

Read further details about Pads in the VirtualDJ 8 manual Sampler FX