Pioneer DJ - DDJ-SX3 - Layout - Pads


Hold SHIFT and then press the HOTCUE mode button to set the PADs to Cue Loop mode (Led will be lit in green)

In this mode each one of the 8 pads assigns a Hot Cue Point or jumps the track to that Hot Cue Point, but in both cases, it also triggers a Loop at that point (momentary or toggle depending on the selected mode from the Page menu).

Cue Loop mode – Pioneer DDJ-SX3

Cue Loop Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI

Hold SHIFT and then press a pad to stutter/jump to the Hotcue (loop will remain triggered)

Use the PARAMETER buttons to half/double the size of the triggered Loop.
HoldSHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to select the On/Off (Toggle) or Hold (momentary) Loop trigger mode.

By default the Cue Loops will be quantized. This can be turned off/on from the Page Menu on the GUI.

Read further details about Pads in the VirtualDJ 8 manual Saved Loops