When mixer Channel is set to TR and Deck 3 is assigned on the left deck side, you can play “patterns” created using drum sounds (instruments) such as those of a Roland TR-808 rhythm machine.
What are patterns?
“Patterns” contain performance data for instruments. Sixteen patterns are provided. Each pattern has eight “variations,” and when you select a pattern, the variations are automatically assigned to performance pads 1–8.
Playing Patterns
1. Set the mixer section CH3 input select switch to “TR.”
2. In the left deck, press the DECK [1/3] button to make it light red.
Selecting a pattern
Turn the [SELECT (ENTER)] knob to select a pattern (01–16), and press the knob to confirm.
The variations of the selected pattern are assigned to performance pads 1–8.
Playing back a pattern
1. Press a performance pad 1–8 to select a variation. The pad you pressed blinks. You can select multiple variations by holding down a pad and pressing another pad.
2. Press the PLAY button. The variation starts playing. If you selected multiple variations, the variation whose pad is blinking
plays, and then the other variations play consecutively starting with the lowest-numbered variation.
If you select the next variation during playback, the pad you press blinks.
If you hold down the SHIFT button and press a pad, the variation of the pad that you press is reserved. When the currently-playing variation finishes playing, playback automatically switches to the reserved variation.
Syncing a TR pattern with another Deck
When the SYNC button is unlit, the TR Sampler plays at the Tempo designated by the Pitch fader (100 BPM when in center). Use the Tempo slider to adjust its Tempo. Its value will be displayed at the LCD screen (as Deck 4).
Press the SYNC button to synchronize BPM and Beat Phase (CBG) with the current Master Deck of VirtualDJ. Note that VirtualDJ will automatically assign a Deck as Master, mostly depending on which one is playing out live. You can use SHIFT+SYNC on a VirtualDJ Deck (or use the MASTER buttons from the GUI) to manually set a Deck as Master Deck (and sync all other decks including TR to that deck). Repeat this procedure to revert to the automatic Master Deck assignment.
When the SYNC button on the TR is lit, the Tempo slider will not alter its Tempo and will follow the one from the Master Deck.
Hold SHIFT and then press the SYNC button to turn off synchronization and revert to manual Tempo adjustment.
TR - Performance Pads
When mixer Channel 3 is set to TR and the left side of the DJ-707M is set to Deck 3, the performance Pads offer functionality for the TR Sampler, depending on the selected mode.
In this mode each pad plays the variation at the moment you press the pad.
By holding down a pad and successively pressing other pads, you can play multiple variations consecutively.
Hold SHIFT and then press a Pad to reserve its variation. When the currently-playing variation finishes playing, playback automatically switches to the reserved variation.
Starts looping at the moment you press a pad. Looping occurs at the beat (1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2) that’s assigned to each pad.
Use the PARAMETER (-/+) buttons to halve or double the loop.
Enter Roll mode by pressing SHIFT and AUTO mode button. In this mode each pad plays the loop only while you hold down the pad. When you take your finger off the pad, you return to the original position.
Looping occurs at the beat (1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1) that’s assigned to each pad.
Use the PARAMETER (-/+) buttons to halve or double the loop.
Enter Manual loop mode by pressing the MANUAL mode button. In this mode Loop-plays between the specified loop-in and loop-out.
Use Pads 1 to 4 to selects a loop slot.
Use Pad 5 to specify the loop-in point.
Use Pad 6 to specify the loop-out point.
Use Pads 7/8 to turns loop on/off.
Enter Slicer mode by pressing the SLICER mode button. In this mode Loop-plays the beat at the moment you pressed the pad.
When you take your finger off the pad, you return to the original position.
Use the PARAMETER [–] [+] buttons to halve or double the loop.
Hold down SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER [–] [+] buttons to halve or double the beat that’s looping.
Enter Sampler mode by pressing the SAMPLER mode button. In this mode each Pad plays the instrument that’s assigned to.
Hold SHIFT down and then press the SAMPLER mode button again to enter the Velocity mode, in which each Pad plays the instrument with velocity.
Hold SHIFT down and then press a Pad 1 to 8, to mute or un-mute each instrument. If muted, the pad is unlit.
Advanced Setup