
Reloop - Touch - Touch Display


Tap the [BROWSER] button from the bottom Navigation section of the screen to select the Browser View (the button will blink if no track is loaded to any Deck)

Browser View with Mini Decks



Tap the [BROWSER] button from the bottom NAVIGATION section of the screen, to select the Browser View. Tap the [BACK] button to return to the selected Decks View. The Browser View will be automatically offered if the [BROWSE] encoder or the [BACK] button are used on the Touch unit and will remain visible if no Browsing operation is performed for 5 seconds. This automatic behavior can be disabled from the Touch Settings View.
Tap the [MINI DECKS] button to show/hide the Mini Decks section at the top of the Browser view. The Mini decks offer information for the loaded tracks and will automatically display the Left and the Right selected Decks if a 2 Decks view is selected and all 4 Decks if the 4 Decks view is selected.
Tap the [A-] / [A+] buttons to decrease/increase the size of the font for all Browser Lists (Folders, Files and Sideview).
Folders Separator. This vertical area is used to separate the Folders List from the Files List. Tap the button with the folders icon to open/close the Folders List (and provide more width for the other Lists). Use the area above and below this button and slide to left/right to decrease/increase the width of the Folders List.
Sideview Separator. This vertical area is used to separate the Sideview from the Files List. Tap the button with the list icon to open/close the Sideview (and provide more width for the other Lists). Use the area above and below this button and slide to left/right to decrease/increase the width of the Sideview.


Mini Decks – 2 Decks view

Mini Decks – 4 Decks view

When the MINI DECKS button is enabled from the Browser view, the top section will display information about the tracks loaded to the Decks, providing the status and useful information to assist you selecting a track from Browser. However, the available height of the Browser will be limited.
The Left and the Right decks will be displayed automatically when the 2 DECKS or the VIDEO views are selected. All 4 Decks will be automatically displayed when the 4 DECKS view is selected.
The MINI DECKS offer Deck information such as the Title of the track, the BPM value, the Remain/Elapsed Time, a progress bar and VU meter.
When the MINI DECKS section is displayed, you may also load a track from the Browser, by dragging a track (from its Album Art) and dropping that to one of the Mini decks (same operation with the [LOAD] buttons of the Touch unit.


Browser View – Folders List

This section offers the Folders List of the VirtualDJ Browser Slide up/down to browse through the folders (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a folder to select and open/close its subfolders. Read further details about the Folders List at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ
Tap the button of the vertical separator to open/close the Folders List or slide left/right above or below this button to adjust the width of the List.


Browser View – Files List

This section offers the Files List of the VirtualDJ Browser and displays the tracks of the selected Folder. Slide up/down to browse through the tracks (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a track to select and load it to a deck, either by using the [LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit or by dragging and dropping to a Mini Deck (if enabled). Read further details about the Files List at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ

Browser View - Windows On Screen Keyboard

Tap this boxed area to reveal the OSK (On Screen Keyboard) to type and search for a track. See how the OSK can be offered in Touch Display Settings Chapter
Tap any of the Browser header fields buttons to sort the Files List ordered by that (same with [SHIFT]+[LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit). Tap and hold (similar to right-click) any of those Field header buttons to get a List with all the available Browser fields and select which ones you need to show in the Browser View.


Browser View – Sideview Lists

This section offers the Sideview of the VirtualDJ Browser and offers 4 different Lists (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke and Sampler). Slide up/down to browse through the tracks (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a track to select and load it to a deck, either by using the [LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit or by dragging and dropping to a Mini Deck (if enabled). Read further details about the Sideview Lists at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ

Tap one of the 4 available buttons to select a Sideview List (Sidelist, Sampler, Automix and Karaoke).
At the top of each Sideview List information and additional buttons will be displayed depending on the selected List.

Note. By default, scrolling though tracks/folders is performed by 1 finger and dragging with 1 finger over the Album Art of the track (in case you need to load it or add/move it to the Sideview).

An alternative mode is available from VirtualDJ SettingsOPTIONS tab, via the multiTouchTwoFingerScroll setting. When set to Yes, scrolling through tracks/folders is performed with 2 fingers on the Touch Display and selection/dragging with 1 finger

Settings View