Terminal Mix 4

Reloop - Terminal Mix 4 - Layout


  1. LOOP SIZE. Turn the encoder anti-clockwise to half the size of the loop and clockwise to double it.
    Push the encoder to trigger a loop of the selected size.

    Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to enable/disable the Loop Roll mode. When the Loop Roll mode is enabled the triggered loops will have temporary effect and when turned off (disabled) the track will return to the position it would have been if the loop was never triggered.

  2. LOOPIN. Use this button to set a Loop In (Entry) point for manual loop.

  3. LOOPOUT. Use this button to set a Loop Out (Exit) point and complete a manual loop. Use the same button to exit the Loop if triggered.

  4. LOOP MOVE. When a Loop is enabled, turn the encoder anti-clockwise to move the triggered loop forward or backwards by the amount of beats equal to the triggered loop. Hold SHIFT and then use the same encoder to move the triggered loop forward or backwards by 4 beats.
    Push the encoder to trigger a loop of the selected size

    Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to enable/disable the Smart Loop. When Smart Loop is enabled, a manual loop (using the LOOPIN, LOOPOUT buttons) will snap to the nearest size in beats, offering seamless looping.

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