Hardware Controls
Below is a short description for the basic Hardware controls of the Reloop RP-8000 hybrid turntable. Further details can be found in the Instructions manual http://www.reloop.com/media/catalog/product/pdf/2/2/8/228337_Reloop_IM.pdf
- START/STOP. Start/stop the record.
- SPEED. Select a speed of 33, 45 or 78 RPM (if both buttons are pressed simultaneously).
- REVERSE. Press this button to reverse the playback. Press again for normal playback.
- ON/OFF SWITCH. Turn anti-clockwise to power off and clock-wise to power on the unit.
- PITCH. Adjust the tempo of the playing track. The pitch value will be displayed on the LCD *.
- QUARTZLOCK. Use this button to deactivate the pitch adjustment (the LED will be turned on). By pressing again the fine adjustment will be re-activated, the turntable will return to the speed set via the pitch fader and the LED will turn off. The Quartz Lock LED will be lit when in original pitch and when pitch fine adjustment is deactivated; when the pitch differs, it will go out.
- PITCH RANGE. Select a pitch range of +-8%, +-16% or +-50% (if both buttons are pressed simultaneously).
- TORQUE – START/BRAKE SPEED. Use the START/BRAKE knob to adjust the motor‘s start/stop time in a range of 0.2 (dial to the left) – 6 seconds (dial to the right).
Use the TORQUE knob to adjust the motor‘s torque in a range of 1.6 kg/cm (dial to the left) – 4.5 kg/cm (dial to the right).
Note that each one of the previously mentioned controls is capable of sending MIDI messages and those* are pre-assigned with VirtualDJ script actions. However, since those will still keep controlling the hardware features of the unit, the assigned actions are disabled if Timecode is enabled on this channel/deck.
In case you need to use the MIDI functionality of these controls (e.g. to use the RP-8000 as a backup MIDI controller):
- Power Off the unit
- Hold down both the TRAX (9) and SAMPLER mode button and then power on the unit.
- Press PAD Nr.1 to enable (led on)/disable (led off) the MIDI functionality of the hardware controls.
- Push the TRAX encoder (9) to save setting.
*Pre-assigned controls: START (1), REVERSE (3), PITCH (5) and PITCH RANGE (7)
LCD Display
The LCD can display the Pitch or the BPM value if in manual display mode or both (auto-cycle) if the automatic mode is selected.
Important: Make sure the firmware of the unit is updated to the latest version in order the recently added BPM functionality is available.
To toggle between the automatic/manual BPM/Pitch value indication mode:
- Hold down both the TRAX (9) and SAMPLER mode button and then power on the unit.
- Press PAD Nr.3 to enable (led on)/disable (led off) the automatic BPM/Pitch display mode.
- Push the TRAX encoder (9) to save setting.
If the manual indication mode is selected, hold down the TRAX encoder (9) and then press the +-16% Pitch range button to toggle between the Pitch and BPM value display.
Software Controls