
Reloop - Elite - Layout



The Reloop Elite mixer is offering dedicated FX Send and FX Return USB channels, in order to offer Post-fader Effects. For that, you will need to set the setting fxprocessing to "Post-fader" (from VirtualDJ Settings->OPTIONS tab)

  1. DISPLAY: Top line displays the selected Effects. If the Multi FX mode is selected, the selected Effects of the 3 FX Slots will be displayed with their first 2 letters.
    2nd line will display the BPM of the Left/Right VirtualDJ Deck and the Beats value of the Effect on FX Slot 1.

  2. FX1: Use this button to arm the selected Effect on FX Slot 1
    Hold this button down and then turn the BEATS encoder [22] to select the previous/next Effect for FX Slot 1.

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to load FX Bank 1 to the 3 FX Slots.

  3. FX2: Use this button to arm the selected Effect on FX Slot 2.
    Hold this button down and then turn the BEATS encoder [22] to select the previous/next Effect for FX Slot 2.
    If the Single FX mode is selected, this button will not have the above functionality

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to load FX Bank 2 to the 3 FX Slots.

  4. FX3: Use this button to arm the selected Effect on FX Slot 3.
    Hold this button down and then turn the BEATS encoder [22] to select the previous/next Effect for FX Slot 3.
    If the Single FX mode is selected, this button will not have the above functionality

    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enter/leave FX Banks saving mode.. While saving mode is enabled, hold SHIFT down and then press one of the 2 FX1/FX2 blinking buttons to save the selected effects of Left Deck to either FX Bank 1(FX1 button) or FX Bank 2 (FX2 button)

  5. LEVEL/DEPTH: Use this fader to adjust the 1st Parameter (usually the Strength of the effect) of the selected Effects from all 3 FX Slots at the same time.

  6. BEATS: Turn the encoder left/right to decrease/increase the Beats of the selected Effects from all 3 FX Slots at the same time.

    Hold SHIFT and then use this encoder to adjust the 2nd Parameter (most of the times could be the Beats Parameter though) of the selected Effects from all 3 FX Slots at the same time.

  7. FX ON: Use this button to enable/disable the armed Effects (armed from FX1/FX2/FX3 buttons) and apply them on Left/Right Deck.

    Hold SHIFT down and use this button to toggle between Single and Multi FX modes.

  8. FX HOLD: Use this button to temporary (as long as the button is pressed) enable/disable the armed Effects (armed from FX1/FX2/FX3 buttons) and apply them on Left/Right Deck.

    Hold SHIFT down and then tap (at least 4 times) this button on beat, to manually calculate the BPM of Left/Right Deck.

  9. SAMPLER/AUX FX: Use this button to send VirtualDJ Sampler to the FX Send/Return unit of the Reloop Elite mixer and apply the selected (and armed) Deck Effects to Sampler. Note that in this case the Beat-aware effects will get the BPM and CBG from the Deck and not Sampler (even though in most cases the Sampler will be synced to the Deck).
    You can still apply a different effect strictly to the Sampler, using the Sampler FX from GUI.
    The SAMPLER FX can be enabled on only 1 side.

    Hold SHIFT and then use this button to send the AUX Input (connection at the rear panel) to the FX Send/Return unit of the Reloop Elite mixer and apply the selected (and armed) Deck Effects to AUX. Note that in this case the Beat-aware effects will get the BPM and CBG from the Deck.
    The AUX FX can be enabled on only 1 side.


  1. LOOP LEDS: The leds indicate the selected Loop size in beats. When led is lit solid, the length of the Loop is designated from the top silkscreen line (large size loops), and when blinking the length is designated from the bottom silkscreen line (small size loops)

  2. LOOP SIZE: Turn this encoder left/right to decrease/increase the size of the Loop in beats.
    Push the encoder to turn the Loop on/off.

    Hold SHIFT down and then turn the encoder to adjust the Key of the track loaded to Left/Right Deck.
    Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to either match the key of the track to the one loaded to the opposite deck or reset it to its original key if matched.

  3. LOOP IN/OUT: With 1st press on this button, set the Entry point of a manual loop. Press the same button for 2nd time to set the Exit point of the manual loop and turn the loop on. Press for the 3rd time to exit the loop.

    Hold SHIFT down to turn on the last triggered loop and jump into its position (re-loop)
