Pioneer DJ - OPUS-QUAD - Layout

Deck Controls

  1. PLAY/PAUSE. Plays / Pauses the track.
    Press and hold SHIFT and then press this button to "stutter-play" the track from the last set Cue Point.

  2. CUE. When the Deck is paused, you can set a temporary Cue Point by moving the Platter to place the Audio Pointer at the desired location and then pressing the Cue Button. During playback, you can press the Cue Button to return the track to this Cue Point. (If you did not set a Cue Point, then it will return to the beginning of the track.). If the Deck is paused, you can press and hold the Cue Button to play the track from the Temporary Cue Point. Releasing the Cue Button will return the track to the temporary Cue Point and pause it. To continue playback without returning to the Temporary Cue Point, press and hold the Cue Button, then press and hold the Play Button, and then release both buttons.
    Hold down SHIFT and then press this button to return to the beginning of the track.

  3. SLIP REVERSE. Press and hold this button to play the track backwards. On release the track will continue from the position it would have been if the button was never pressed.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this button (momentarily) to play the track backwards. Press again to return to forward direction.

  4. BEAT JUMP: Use these buttons to move track backwards/forward in beats. Keep the buttons pushed for continuous seeking.
    The amount of beats to jump is adjustable.
    Hold down SHIFT and press Jump back button to halve the amount of beats.
    Hold down SHIFT and press the Jump forward button to double the size of beats.
    The amount of beats that the track will jump is shown on deck screen.

  5. LOOP IN/OUT. Use these buttons to set Loop In and Loop Out points (for manual looping).
    When a loop is active, press either buttons to use the JOG to adjust the length of the loop by moving the Loop In or Loop Out point respectively. The LED of the button will start blinking fast.
    Press the same button again to exit loop adjust mode and return the jog to normal operation.

  6. BEAT LOOP. Press this encoder down to activate an automatic loop. The amount of beats that will be used is shown on VirtualDJ GUI.
    Turn this encoder counter clockwise to halve the size of the loop
    Turn this encoder clockwise to double the size of the loop.
    If a loop is active, press this encoder down to exit the loop.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this encoder to activate the last used loop and jump back to it (Reloop).
    If a loop is active, hold down SHIFT and turn the encoder to move the loop back or forward by a amount of beats that equals the amount of beats in the current loop.
    S SHIFT. Press and hold this button to access secondary functions of other controls on the OPUS-QUAD.
  1. QUANTIZE. Press this button to toggle Quantize on/off. When Quantize is enabled, setting loops, jumping between hot cue points and starting playback of the deck will snap to the grid (CBG) of the track.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this button to switch "Hot Cue" buttons to STEMS+FX operation mode. Hold down SHIFT and press once more to return "Hot Cue" buttons to normal operation.

  2. TRACK SEARCH. Use these buttons to load the previous or next track on the deck. The playback status of the deck is kept during load.
    Hold down SHIFT and use these buttons to jump between the available hotcues of the track.

  3. DECK SCREEN / DISPLAY. Shows useful information about the status of the current deck and the track that's loaded on it.

  4. DECK SELECT. Switch Left decks (1 and 3) and Right Decks (2 and 4).

  5. HOTCUES. These buttons offer two different operation modes, and allow you to control either Hotcues, or Stems. To switch between the two modes, please hold down SHIFT button and then press QUANTIZE button at the same time.
    Normal Operation Mode: Use these buttons to set hotcues for the track if they don't have been set, or jump to them if they have been set. If the deck was stopped before jumping to a hotcue it will also start playing. Upon releasing the hotcue button the playback will continue if "hotcueMode" setting is set to "play" (default value) or it will stop and jump back to the hotcue position if "hotcueMode" setting is set to "stutter".
    Hold down SHIFT and press a button to delete the hotcue associated with it.
    Stems+FX Operation Mode: Use these buttons to mute/isolate specific stems of the track, or apply software effects on specific stems.
    The first 4 buttons mute stems "Vocals", "Instruments", "Bass" and "Rhythm" respectively.
    Hold down SHIFT and press one of the four buttons to isolate (solo) a stem instead.
    The rest 4 buttons apply "Vocals Echo Out", "Vocals Reverb", "Melody/Rhythm Beatgrid" and "Melody/Rhythm Echo Out" software effects respectively.

  6. JOGWHEEL. Pressure sensitive platter for scratching (Vinyl Mode) or bending (CD Mode).

  7. VINYL. Toggle the Jogwheel between the Scratch and Bend modes.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this button to toggle Slip Mode. When Slip Mode is active several software functions (such as Jogwheel movements, HotCues and Loops) will apply temporary on the track, and the track will return to the position it would have been if those functions were not triggered.

  8. VINYL SPEED. Adjust the ramp up / ramp down time used by the deck when using the PLAY/PAUSE button and the JOG, depending on a user adjustable setting. Please see OPUS-QUAD Settings

  9. JOG FEELING ADJUST. Adjust the tension of the jogwheel (hardware operation).

  10. SYNC. Press this button to automatically match the corresponding Deck's tempo with the opposite Deck's (or the Master Deck’s if using a 4 decks Skin) tempo and phase.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this button to reset the tempo of the track back to it's original value.

  11. MASTER. Press this button to manually set a deck as "Master Deck" and stop automatic "master deck" selection. When a deck is set as "Master Deck" all sync operations of the other decks will take place against this deck.
    Press and hold down this button down for more than one second to resume automatic "Master Deck" selection.

  12. KEY SYNC. Press this button to match the musical Key of the track with the Key of the Master deck (or the other deck if using a 2 decks skin). The change of the Key will be the smallest required to make it compatible with the other Key.
    Hold down SHIFT and press this button to reset the Key of the track back to it's original value.

  13. TEMPO RANGE. Press this button to select one of the available ranges for the TEMPO slider.

  14. MASTER TEMPO. Press this button to "lock" the track's pitch to its original key. The track's tempo will remain at the speed designated by the TEMPO slider

  15. TEMPO SLIDER. Controls the track's playback tempo.

  16. TEMPO RESET. Reset the track's playback tempo back to it's original speed.
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