Pioneer DJ - DDJ-RR - Layout


  1. CROSSFADER: Blends audio between the left and right assigned channels.

  2. VOLUME: Alter the output Volume of the left/right selected software Deck, depending on the (7) Deck Selectors. While SHIFT is held down, the VOLUME faders will stop the deck at the previously selected Cue point when these reach the minimum level (zero) and will start the deck (synced to the other deck) if those move from the zero position. (Fader Start)

  3. PFL. Press this button to send this channel's pre-fader signal to the Headphones Channel for monitoring. When engaged, the button will be lit. Cued deck depends on the (7) Deck Selectors.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use these buttons to manually tap the tempo of the loaded track.

  4. FILTER. Applies a High Pass/Low Pass Filter on the left/right selected deck(middle position is Off position).

  5. EQ (Low/Mid/Hi) Adjust the low/middle/high (bass/mid/trebble) frequencies of the selected left or right software deck.

  6. TRIM: Adjusts the pre-fader output level (gain) of the corresponding software deck.

  7. DECK SELECT: Use these switches to select the Left/Right deck or route the corresponding Input to the left/right mixer channel. When the left switch is set to Deck 1/3, the left side of the DDJ-RR will control VirtualDJ Deck 1/3. When the right switch is set to Deck 2/4, the right side of the DDJ-RR will control VirtualDJ Deck 2/4.
    The behavior of the left/right side of the DDJ-RR when the switches are set to Phone/Line depends on the PCMIX switch (rear side) and is explained in details in the Inputs section.

  8. LOAD: Press one of these buttons while a track is selected to load it to left Deck (1 or 3) or right Deck (2 or 4) respectively, depending on the Deck Selectors (7). Press and hold the same button for more than 1 second, to unload the same deck.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use the left LOAD button to sort the tracks of the Songs list by BPM (toggles between descending and ascending order).
    Hold SHIFT down and then use the right LOAD button to sort the tracks of the Songs list by Artist (toggles between descending and ascending order).

  9. BROWSE Knob/push :
    Knob: Scrolls through files or folders. When SHIFT is pressed it scrolls faster (+/- 15 tracks/folders)

    Push: If focus is on the Folders list, anf the folder contains tracks, enters the Songs List. If the folder doesnt contain tracks, opens its subfolders and selects the 1st available. If focus is on the Songs list, moves back to the Folders list.
    Hold SHIFT down and then push the BROWSE knob to toggle between the Normal and Zoomed Browser view

  10. BACK: Set focus to Folders list. If focus is on the Folders list, use this button to open/close sub-folders.
    Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to cycle focus through the available Browser windows (Folders, Songs, SideView).

  11. TAG TRACK: Adds the selected track of the Songs List to the selected SideView List (Automix, Karaoke, Sidelist). When SHIFT is pressed, it cycles through the available view of Sideview (Automix, Sidelist, Sampler, Karaoke, Clone views)

  12. MASTER VOLUME : Adjusts the Master Output Volume (Hardware operation - not visible on VirtualDJ GUI)

  13. BOOTH MONITOR : Adjusts the Output Volume of the Booth Output (Hardware operation - not visible on VirtualDJ GUI)

  14. HEADPHONES MIX: Blends audio signal in Headphones between the PFLed decks and the Master Output. When the knob is at the minimum left position, only decks that have the PFL turned on will b routed in Headphones. When the knob is at the maximum right position, only the Master Output audio signal will be routed in Headphones..

  15. SAMPLER VOLUME: Adjusts the Master Volume of the Sampler.

  16. SAMPLER SYNC: Use this button to link Video Crossfader with the Audio crossfader (the Video Crossfader will follow the position of the Audio Crossfader).
    Hold SHIFT down and use this button to set the Video Crossfader to Auto. When enabled, the video crossfader will move automatically depending on which deck is played out in Master.

  17. SAMPLER CUE: If turned off, the Sampler will be outputted only through the Master Output. If turned on the Sampler will be heard through Headphones as well.

  18. LEVEL METERS VIEW: The middle LEDs indicate the overall Output level of the Master Output. The left and right LEDs will indicate the pre-fader output volume of the left-right selected deck.
