Numark - NV - Layout


  1. CROSSFADER. Blends audio between the channels assigned to the left and right side of the crossfader.

  2. FADER START. Turn these switchers to ON to enable Fader Start for the left and/or right assigned channels/decks. If enabled, the corresponding decks will automatically start playing if the Crossfader starts moving from the other side towards the side assigned to these decks (same behavior is applied for the Volume faders).
    You may also get a Fader Start-Stop behavior (track will stop at the last Cue position if crossfader moves to the other side or the Volume fader reaches minimum position) if the FaderStartStop setting is enabled from VirtualDJ Options.

  3. CROSSFADER CONTOUR. Selects the slope of the crossfader curve. Set the switcher to the left for a smooth fade (mixing) or to the right for a sharp cut (scratching).

  4. VOLUME. Volume Faders (mixer channel order is 3-1-2-4 decks). A different mixer channel order can be selected from VirtualDJ Settings

  5. PFL. Press these buttons to send this channel's pre-fader signal to the Cue Channel for monitoring. When engaged, the button will be lit. By pressing one PFL button at a time, you will cue that channel alone (and deactivate PFL monitoring for the other channels). To cue to multiple channels simultaneously, press the PFL buttons for those channels at the same time.

  6. XFADER ASSIGN: Routes the audio playing on the corresponding channel to either side of the crossfader (A or B), or bypasses the crossfader and sends the audio directly to the Program Mix (center, THRU).

  7. FILTER. Applies a resonance Filter on the software decks. Depending on the FILTER MODE (45) The Filter knob also offers 2 additional functions.

    On FILTER ROLL Mode, the knob applies a Loop Roll as well. The size of the loop roll starts from 1/2 beat and ends to 1/16 beat (left or right end position)

    On FILTER FX Mode the knob also controls the 1st parameter of the selected effect. On zero position the effect slider gets value 0%, and at the right/left end positions the parameter gets value 100%.

  8. EQ LOW. Adjusts the low (bass) frequencies of each mixer channel/deck. When Touch EQ Mode is activated, touching the knob will mute the corresponding channel's low frequencies (aka "EQ kill").*

  9. EQ MID. Adjusts the middle (mid) frequencies of each mixer channel/deck. When Touch EQ Mode is activated, touching the knob will mute the corresponding channel's mid frequencies (aka "EQ kill").*

  10. EQ TREBBLE. Adjusts the high (treble) frequencies of each mixer channel/deck. When Touch EQ Mode is activated, touching the knob will mute the corresponding channel's high frequencies (aka "EQ kill").*

    *Note: The used/killed frequencies depend on the selected EQ mode. Set the equalizerMode setting to Kill mode (from Conifg->OPTIONS tab) if you wish to get a complete cut of sound when knobs are at 0% or touched on EQ Kill mode.

  11. GAIN. Adjusts the audio level (gain) of the corresponding channel in the software or hardware Input. When Touch EQ Mode is activated, touching the knob will mute the sound of the corresponding mixer channel/deck (MUTE text will be visible on the Track’s Title/Artist on the GUI)

  12. FX ASSIGN. These buttons are used to clone the effects from one deck to the other. E.g if the FX A button on the channel 4 is pressed, the Effects from the left deck (A) will be cloned to the deck 2.

  13. BEATDIFF BAR. This meter is an aid for matching the CBG of both decks. When the white center LED is lit, the CBGs of the left and right selected decks are matched. Otherwise, the meter will tend towards the faster deck. The further from center, the greater the difference between the two BPMs.

  14. AUX/MIC/OFF. When set to MIC or AUX, the audio signal from the Microphone or Auxiliary Input will be routed directly to the Program Mix and Cue Mix. When set to OFF, both Inputs are muted from the Output.

  15. MIC TONE. Adjust the tone level of the Microphone Input channel.

  16. MIC/AUX GAIN. Adjust the gain (input level), of both the Microphone and Auxiliary Input channels.

  17. BOOTH VOLUME. Adjusts the Booth Output Volume (Hardware operation. Movement will not be visible on the VirtualDJ GUI)

  18. MASTER VOLUME : Adjusts the Master Output Volume (Hardware operation. Movement will not be visible on the VirtualDJ GUI)

  19. MASTER FX A/B : Use these buttons to display and control the Master Effects (Audio, Video and Video Transition) with the left (A) or/and right (B) Effects side of the NV (see Effects)
