VFX Control
Jog & Tempo Controls

- JOG. Touch sensitive jogwheel. When in Vinyl/ mode, use the upper part to pause and scratch the track and the outer part to bend. When Vinyl mode is disabled, use any part of the jogwheel to bend (temporary speedup/slow-down speed).
Hold SHIFT down and then use the jogwheel to fast seek through the track. - PITCH. Use this fader to adjust the tempo of the track. In the middle position, the track will be played at its original tempo (BPM). Move towards up to slow down and towards down to speed up.
- PITCH BEND. Use these buttons to temporary (while pressed) speedup/slow-down the tempo of the track. When released, the track will continue playback at the tempo designated by the Pitch fader.
- RANGE. Use this button to select the next available -%/+% range for the Pitch fader.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable Pitch-Lock. When enabled (LED will blink), adjusting the Tempo of a track using the Pitch fader, will also adjust the tempo of the other track by the same amount. - MT. Use this button to enable/disable Master Tempo (Key-Lock). When enabled, the Key of the track will retain ts value when the Pitch fader alters its tempo.
- MATCH. Use this button match BPM and phase of the track with the ones from the opposite deck. Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to reset the track's tempo to its original value. The LED of this button will blink while the pitch is resetting to 0.
- REVERSE. Play the track with reversed direction while the button is pressed. When the button is released, the track will resume playing forward from the position it would have been if the button was never pressed.
Hold SHIFT down to toggle the playing direction of the track. - CUE. Use this button to send the deck's audio signal to the Headphones channel (for pre-listening).
- VINYL. Use this button to enable/disable Vinyl mode for the jogwheel. Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable Slip mode. When Slip mode is enabled, several actions like Hotcues, scratching and Loops will act temporary (while performed) and when these actions are disabled/released the track will continue playing from the position it would have been if these actions were never performed.
Deck Controls