The 8 Pad buttons offer various functions, depending on the selected mode. Each of the 4 Pad mode buttons offers 2 individual modes. One with the press of the mode button, and an additional mode with press of the mode button while SHIFT is held down. The 8 modes represent a page of the PADS section on the default VirtualDJ GUI, have been pre-assigned but can be customized https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/decks/decksadvanced/pads.html#controller

- PAD MODE. Press any of the 4 available Pad mode buttons to set the Pads to Hotcues,
Stems+FX Beatjump and Sampler mode.
Hold SHIFT down and then press any of the 4 available Pad mode buttons to set the Pads to Keycue, Pads FX, Loop and ScratchBank mode. (led will blink)
While holding one of the 4 Pad mode buttons, you can press a second Pad mode button and split the functionality of the Pads (top/bottom) between 2 modes. Read further info at https://www.virtualdj.com/manuals/virtualdj/interface/decks/decksadvanced/pads.html#split - PADS. The 8 Pad buttons offer different functionality depending on the selected mode.
This Pads page will be available only when the DDJ-GRV6 is connected and offers the following functionality
Pads 1 to 4 will apply the Echo FX of a different Beat length.
Pad 5 to 7 will apply the Cut FX of a different Beats length.
Pad 8 will apply the Flanger FX
Hold SHIFT down and then press a Pad button to apply different Effects.
Pads 1 to 3 will apply the Loop Roll FX of a different Beat length.
Pad 4 will apply the Reverb Effect.
Pad 5 to 8 will apply the Beat-Grid FX of a different pattern.