By default the device is mapped to offer Effect controls for Left/Right VirtualDJ Decks in Program 1.

Hold down this button and then use one of Pads 5 to 8 to select Program 1 to 4. Only Program 1 is mapped by default (with Effect controls). The other 3 Programs are left unmapped to be customized to your need.
Selects the NOTE mode. In this mode (default), the device is sending MIDI Note messages, which are used from the default Mapping
Selects the Prog Change mode. In this mode the Pads send Program Change messages, which are not assigned by default.
4 CC
Selects the CC mode. In this mode the Pads send CC Midi messages, but cannot be used from VirtualDJ, therefore cannot be mapped.
5 PADS 1-8
If the device is in NOTE mode, use these buttons to trigger the assigned actions as following ...
TOP PAD 1 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 1) on the Left Deck.
TOP PAD 2 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 2) on the Left Deck.
TOP PAD 3 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 3) on the Left Deck.
TOP PAD 4 : Enable/Disable the Color FX (Filter by default) on the Left Deck.
BOTTOM PAD 1 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 1) on the Right Deck.
BOTTOM PAD 2 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 2) on the Right Deck.
BOTTOM PAD 3 : Triggers the selected Effect (Slot 3) on the Right Deck.
BOTTOM PAD 4 : Enable/Disable the Color FX (Filter by default) on the Right Deck.
6 KNOBS 1-8
If the device is in NOTE mode, use these knobs to control the assigned actions as following ....
TOP KNOB 1 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 1) on the Left Deck
TOP KNOB 2 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 2) on the Left Deck
TOP KNOB 3 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 3) on the Left Deck
TOP KNOB 4 : Adjust the Color FX on the Left Deck
BOTTOM KNOB 1 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 1) on the Right Deck
BOTTOM KNOB 2 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 2) on the Right Deck
BOTTOM KNOB 3 : Adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect (Slot 3) on the Right Deck
BOTTOM KNOB 4 : Adjust the Color FX on the Right Deck

Advanced Setup