I've been trying to add a button and/or a panel for my plugin but I'm getting nowhere, does anyone have any example code that will inject a button that could then open a panel or something like that? I'd a like a button that expands out to reveal plugin options which would actually just be 2 more buttons.
I have a working plugin I've included vdjPlugin8.h from https://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Developers in my plugin but got lost after that.
I'm a newb at C++ but not development.
I have a working plugin I've included vdjPlugin8.h from https://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Developers in my plugin but got lost after that.
I'm a newb at C++ but not development.
Posted Tue 28 Jan 25 @ 9:08 pm
After about 30 hours of banging my head, I finally got a panel to open by starting over with https://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Plugins_SDKv8_Example.html using the "VDJINTERFACE_DEFAULT" option instead of "VDJINTERFACE_SKIN" which for my use case is perfect. C++ is not fun. I started with a C64 and basic in 82 but I feel like I'm starting from scratch when it comes to C.
Posted Thu 30 Jan 25 @ 12:38 am