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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: NS7ii
Does Virtual Dj have a interface skin for the Ns7ii or maybe someone that has created a custom one for the ns7ii ?

Posted Fri 01 Dec 23 @ 4:51 am
Any skin can be used with any controller. There's no such think as a skin "for" a controller.

Best to use one that only displays track info for each deck and a browser. All controls are on the hardware.

Posted Fri 01 Dec 23 @ 10:12 am
DJDAD made one for the NS7 II...

(Some people like to have a skin for the controller. That's how it is)
<Skin name="VirtualDJ 8 Pads - NS7II" version="8" width="1920" height="1080" nbdecks="4" comment="VirtualDJ 8 - 4 Decks (Pads Version) Numark NS7 II" author="Atomix Productions - djdad" image="skin.png" preview="skinpreview.png" >
<copyright>(c)2014 - Atomix Productions</copyright>

Posted Tue 12 Dec 23 @ 11:18 pm