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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Browser - Wishes & new features - Page: 10

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Browser Features requested many times in the past, and ignored!

1) The played red -- [dash] in the song list and the "X" song not found are very
faint and hard to see at night in a live venue ... make them bolder and
X ---

These 2 requests are simple, useful and easy to program (just change the
icon file) ... Why have they not been implemented after the numerous
requests for same in the past many months? Or better yet, let the DJ's
use their own icon file if they want. Just give us the option.

Posted Mon 12 Oct 15 @ 4:53 pm
We'd love to see support to access and play music stored in our iBroadcast music library. They've told us their calls to their server are open and it shouldn't be too hard to create a plugin that would work with their service.

Posted Tue 13 Oct 15 @ 12:06 am
Dancechamp777 wrote :
Or better yet, let the DJ's
use their own icon file if they want. Just give us the option.

That's already the case. You can change the icons if you edit the skin. In fact a lot of skins don't use the default icons but they feature a different icon set

Posted Wed 14 Oct 15 @ 11:47 pm
Please allow us to hide unwanted aspects of the iTunes database via the VDJ browser.

As it is currently, VDJ 8 reads the entire iTunes Music Library.xml - including unwanted categories such as Books, Rentals, TV Programmes and so on.

Unfortunately, even if a user manually edits the above XML and comments out the unwanted sections (using <!-- and -->), VDJ ignores the comment tags and still reads the entire XML.

This makes it necessary to completely delete those sections in order to have VDJ not see them. Obviously this is highly inconvenient and quite likely beyond some users abilities. It would be far easier if it were possible in VDJ itself to right click on those sections and select 'hide' so that VDJ doesn't show them.

Posted Sun 08 Nov 15 @ 2:11 pm
It would be handy if you could load (or move) tracks to next in the automix list. Either by use of a scripting verb or by use of a right click menu on the track. I know you can drag files onto the automix list wherever you like, but it would be nice to be able to stick them as "next" in one swift action.

Also, I saw another feature request from someone saying it would be nice to be able to add a "text line" into the automix list. This would be very handy too. It would get ignored as far as the playing tracks are concerned, but it could pop up a message box when it gets to that point in the automix. Party DJs would find it useful for setting reminders for certain points in the set. (name of someone who requested a song, first dance, last orders etc.)


Posted Mon 09 Nov 15 @ 10:47 am
Add Text Line in Automix

Supercue wrote :
it would be nice to be able to add a "text line" into the automix list.

I have seen this request many times in the VDJ forums and it is either ignored by Atomix staff
(like many other common sense requests) or you are told to become a computer software
programmer and figure it out yourself how to write a script (which is very poorly documented
to begin with) to accomplish a task that should be incorporated into the basic program.

Here is my simple solution: Add Text Line in Automix

1) Open Windows notepad (or any other text editor) and create a 0 byte text file.
(make sure there is nothing in it, including carriage returns)
2) Name the file something like: - - - - Songs Requested - - - - which is
meaningful to you, and save the file in your main music directory.
3) Change the EXTENSION (the part of the file After the DOT) to "mp3"
eg: change "- - - - Songs Requested - - - -.txt" to "- - - - Songs Requested - - - -.mp3"
4) Now drag the new file to your Automix playlist.
5) Go into Tag Editor and modify the filename or any other field so that it displays
the information you want to see on the screen.

NOTE: VDJ will recognize the mp3 extension so it will show up in your playlist but
when VDJ actually tries to play the song, it will just skip over the file and start the next
song in the cue. I usually make the file names really long and change their color with the
file attribute tab so they * * * ^ ^ ^ # # # stand out # # # ^ ^ ^ * * * .mp3

You might have to edit different tag fields to get exactly the information you want to show up as a
filename in automix, depending on how you have your browser options set, but, at least this is a start.

Please let me know if this information is helpful to you - Thanks DanceChamp777

Posted Mon 09 Nov 15 @ 5:24 pm
kibo71PRO InfinityMember since 2015
In the browser section. The search function is a very useful tool in finding tracks to play. When keyword is typed the results come that shows both tracks which are directly available in the computer connected storage devices and tracks which are just on playback history.

I would like to see the tracks in history list which are no longer available being displayed in different color from tracks available and accesible if needed to be played.

This will be an imprtant feature since it will quickly let the Dj know if the searched track on list is readily available or just in history and is no longer available.

Posted Tue 10 Nov 15 @ 10:51 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
You can clean your database to remove all tracks that are not available anymore.

Posted Wed 11 Nov 15 @ 10:14 am
I would like to be able to Search for Folders within the Browser. I seem to spend more time searching for the Virtual folder that I've built for an event than I do actually searching for songs. I know I should keep my Browser more organized by sometimes things get shuffled around on me and the folder titles blur together.

This would be especially handy if I accidentally dropped a folder within another folder.


Posted Fri 04 Dec 15 @ 3:03 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Since it is possible to save and share cloudlists a function to save tracks you don't own would be nice.
Either via script or menu to save such a track into a “to buy“ list.

Posted Mon 14 Dec 15 @ 1:55 pm
DJIDMixHome userMember since 2016
Hello all
For the Library can we have an add-on to see all exact "Gain (db)" in the library bar like, bpm, artist, titles, years.......
maybe you know to do this ?
i dont think virtual filter folder can help me this way, thank ;)

Posted Tue 12 Jan 16 @ 7:18 pm
Since I have to work more often with seperate (hardware) players (like CDJ's and XDJ's) connected to a mixer, I would really like a split browser screen for every controller a seperate browser? Don't know if this is even possible.

This way I can hide my laptop on a safe (dry) spot and use the lcd screens on the controllers only.

Now I scroll on player 1 searching for a song, but controller 2 is mirroring this actions on the screen. So I lost my preffered info/folder on controller 2 screen, while I wanted to stay in that folder on controller 2 for the next song. With hundreds of folders.. It takes me a while to go back to the preferred folder without using the mouse on my laptop (if I can remember where it was..)

That's the only wish I can think of on the VDJ side..

Posted Fri 29 Jan 16 @ 10:49 am
Hello everybody,

if you do not provide the Slider to scroll the folder up in the File Browser with the mouse or pulls down, but something left clicks next and pulls, you move from a folder provided.

Shortly after the appearance of the V8 1.5 years ago we had about already postings that it would be good, you could lock move the directory tree to prevent accidental. Is there a solution? (Or am I the only one that bothers ....?)

Lg Stefan

Posted Tue 16 Feb 16 @ 1:16 pm
djxhalxPRO (OEM)Member since 2014
Would like to see some easy to do it on fly, star rating system - to mark songs energy for future use. Maybe add some colour tagging of the songs in the browser (also easy to execute, like keyboard shortcut) - to use it as a grouping manager for the songs that go well in the mix. Another section needed to be managable easily is comment section. Same as above, few words inbetween mixing added to a song for future use - would be great to see that in future update!

Posted Wed 17 Feb 16 @ 12:46 pm
djxhalxPRO (OEM)Member since 2014
Just saw the "edit_comment" command - great! Would like to see "edit_rating" also!

Posted Wed 17 Feb 16 @ 12:51 pm
Not Sure If The Idea Has Been Mentioned But to Be Able to Change the Color of The Folders, Favorite Folders or Virtual Folders for One's Own Specific Needs (Like We Are Able to With Individual Tracks). For Example, If a Song is Playing on a Deck and I Need to Find the Next Track Because There's Not alot of Time Remaining (After Searching)...I Can Go To My "Colored" Folder Of "Hot Tracks" and Mix It In or Cut It In...


Posted Thu 25 Feb 16 @ 6:37 am
efrancPRO InfinityMember since 2019
In the playlist Browser, it would be better than the text color of song title changes along with the icon status changes.

Example: when the icon changes after 45 seconds as what the title has been played, the text could also change by user color define for better vision. If possible, it would have this color appears on the controller display as Numark NV.

Thanks for all.

Posted Mon 14 Mar 16 @ 7:34 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
PitbullFrank wrote :
In the playlist Browser, it would be better than the text color of song title changes along with the icon status changes.

Example: when the icon changes after 45 seconds as what the title has been played, the text could also change by user color define for better vision. If possible, it would have this color appears on the controller display as Numark NV.

Thanks for all.

I would like to extend that whish to a dynamic browser “layout“.
Enabling scripts to alter the browser look.
E.g. All tracks with bpm between 120 and 130 get a yellow color in the browser.
Or all tracks A# are red.

I know this could be achieved with filter folders but you have to update then manually. An automated/ dynamic way would be nice.

Posted Tue 15 Mar 16 @ 2:22 pm
I suggested this a long time ago i.e. adding "intelligence" to the track colouring options.

Being able to have colours assigned to things based on certain criteria would make it much more useful and quicker.

This would allow (for example) all tracks with genre=reggae to be made green - including when new ones are added. Tracks above a certain tempo could be red. Recently added tracks could be yellow, and so on and so forth.

Posted Tue 15 Mar 16 @ 6:36 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Yup, that is the idea....

Another request:

Cloudlists are very usefull, especially the charts.
If you subscribe to a list, open that list in VDJ and then drag and drop the displayed tracks into a virtual folder it is possible to store the current charts as virtual folder.
At this point, VDJ has a little bit of intelligence because it is able to determine if you already have a track in you db or not.
If the track is in your lib it will be displayed with the corresponding icon. If it is not, a netsearch or CU icon is displayed.

However, the icon will only be displayed if the Cloudlists Artist - Title is exactly the same as your artist - title in your database.
But even if a CU icon is displayed, you could perform a rightclick - Lookup operation and manytimes it will display local results but with a slightly different name or remix.

Now the actual request:

Would it be possible to avoid the rightclick - lookup workflow by just do a "loopup" if you try to drag the track to a deck. And if there are local results display them in the browser. You are now able to load a local track instead of streaming it.

Maybe make this as an option, so that it is up to the user if he wants a local search first or direct streaming.

Or - and that would be a deluxe version, but I doubt it is possible with the current browser design - if you open a cloudlist, do a local search, and provide a [+] button infront of all cloudlist tracks if there are any local results. Clicking on this button opens the local results "under" the cloudlist tracks. Just like opening a folder in the folders view, the subfolders will be "under" the parent folder.

But why?
1. It would make the Summonizer tool useless if VDJ is able to perform the same tasks internal (and it is able to do it, just not user-friendly)
2. It would push the whole cloudlist thing to a new level by providing an entire integration and communication with your database.

It is ... okay who it is now, it works, but it is not as good as it could be. To provide the best, that should be rule number 1.

Posted Wed 16 Mar 16 @ 9:55 am